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170 lines
MultiUse = -1 'True
Attribute VB_Name = "NumtoText"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = True
Option Explicit
Dim sErrString$
Dim Count As Boolean
Public Function fChange$(ByVal sNumber$, Optional ByVal bUseForChecks As Boolean, Optional ByVal sCurrency As String)
Dim nLength%: Dim nCounter%: Dim nCounter2%
Dim nDecPlace%
Dim sChar$: Dim sStrNum$
Dim dNum#: Dim dFixedNum#
Dim Remainder&
Dim GetRem: Dim NrOver3
Dim WrdCol As New Collection
On Error GoTo DoError
If sNumber = "" Then Exit Function
'initialize placeholder variable
nDecPlace = 0
'convert amount to number without any cents
dNum = Fix(sNumber)
'get length of number
'have to use str because anyother data type returns nr of bytes, not length
nLength = Len(Str(dNum)) - 1
'get how many cents there are
GetRem = CDbl(sNumber)
Remainder = (GetRem - Fix(GetRem)) * 100
'place leading zeros in front of amount if neccessary
'so that amount is is in multiple of three.
NrOver3 = nLength Mod 3
dNum = CDbl(sNumber)
dFixedNum = Fix(dNum)
sStrNum = CStr(dFixedNum)
If NrOver3 > 0 Then
For nCounter = (3 - NrOver3) To 1 Step -1
sStrNum = "0" & sStrNum
Next nCounter
End If
'reset length after adding leading zero's
nLength = Len(sStrNum)
'break number into groups of three and send to
'converting routine
For nCounter = nLength To 1 Step -3
nDecPlace = nDecPlace + 1
sChar = ""
For nCounter2 = nCounter - 2 To nCounter Step 1
sChar = sChar & Mid(sStrNum, nCounter2, 1)
Next nCounter2
'add converted number to the collection
WrdCol.Add NumberToWord(sChar, nDecPlace)
Next nCounter
'covert the cents into words
Dim X
Dim Centss
For X = WrdCol.Count To 1 Step -1
fChange = fChange & " " & WrdCol(X)
Next X
X = (NumberToWord(CStr(Remainder), 1))
If Remainder > 0 Then
If Remainder = 1 Then
Centss = " and " & X & "Cent only."
Centss = " and " & X & "Cents only."
End If
Centss = " only."
End If
If fChange = " " Then fChange = "Zero "
If IsMissing(bUseForChecks) Then bUseForChecks = False
If sCurrency = "" Then sCurrency = "Dollar"
If bUseForChecks = True Then
If fChange = " One " Then
fChange = fChange & sCurrency & Centss
fChange = fChange & sCurrency & "s" & Centss
End If
If Remainder > 0 Then
fChange = fChange & "and " & X & "Hundredths."
End If
End If
Exit Function
Select Case Err.Number
Case 13
sErrString = "Unable to evaluate Number"
MsgBox sErrString, vbCritical + vbExclamation, "Sorry."
Case Else
sErrString = Err.Description & " Error Number is: " & Err.Number
MsgBox sErrString, vbCritical + vbExclamation, "Unknown Error"
End Select
End Function
Private Function NumberToWord$(ByVal sStrNum$, ByVal TimesThrough%)
Dim NumArray: Dim TeenArray: Dim TenArray: Dim UnitArray
Dim nCounter%: Dim nLength%: Dim nChar%: Dim nDecPlace%
Dim NrOver3
Dim DoDigit As Boolean
NumArray = Array("One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine")
TeenArray = Array("Ten", "Eleven", "Twelve", "Thirteen", "Fourteen", "Fifteen", "Sixteen", "Seventeen", "Eighteen", "Nineteen")
TenArray = Array("", "Twenty ", "Thirty ", "Forty ", "Fifty ", "Sixty ", "Seventy ", "Eighty ", "Ninety ")
UnitArray = Array("", "Thousand", "Million", "Billion", "Trillion")
nLength = Len(sStrNum)
NrOver3 = nLength Mod 3
If NrOver3 > 0 Then
For nCounter = (3 - NrOver3) To 1 Step -1
sStrNum = "0" & sStrNum
Next nCounter
End If
nLength = Len(sStrNum)
nDecPlace = 4
DoDigit = True
For nCounter = 1 To nLength
nDecPlace = nDecPlace - 1
nChar = Mid(sStrNum, nCounter, 1)
If nChar > 0 Then
Select Case nDecPlace
Case 3
If Val(Mid(sStrNum, 2, 1)) > 1 Then
NumberToWord = NumArray(nChar - 1) & " Hundred and "
NumberToWord = NumArray(nChar - 1) & " Hundred "
End If
Case 2
If nChar = 1 Then
NumberToWord = NumberToWord & TeenArray(Mid(sStrNum, nCounter + 1, 1)) & " " & UnitArray(TimesThrough - 1)
DoDigit = False
NumberToWord = NumberToWord & TenArray(nChar - 1)
End If
Case 1
If DoDigit = True Then
NumberToWord = NumberToWord & NumArray(nChar - 1) & " " & UnitArray(TimesThrough - 1)
End If
End Select
End If
Next nCounter
End Function